Resources for Families

Affordable Childcare Benefit

The BC Affordable Child Care Benefit is a monthly payment to assist eligible families with the cost of childcare. Use the Estimator to see if you are eligible.

City of Vancouver

Access to quality and affordable childcare is essential to healthy, resilient and equitable communities.  Learn about Vancouver’s approach to children, childcare, and how child care and early learning is reflected in the Healthy City Strategy here.

Government of BC

To help families get ahead, the province is creating thousands of quality, affordable child care spaces, building better facilities, and training more people to become Early Childhood Educators. Learn more about provincial initiatives here.


Information for Families

VSOCC Family Handbooks

Family Handbook – Early Years

Family Handbook – School Age


Early Literacy

Early Literacy plays a key role in child development and lifelong learning. The following resources offer a variety of at home or community based opportunities for you to support your child in learning about the world around them through language and literacy.

Vancouver Public Library 

I-Dream Library

Indigenous Story Books

Musqueam Teaching Kit 

Health and Well-Being

The early years are a time of rapid growth and development. The following resources offer strength-based programs and services for families to ensure their children grow into strong and healthy adults. Some of the resources include health care, nutritional, parenting, mental health, behavioural, and developmental programs and services.

Vancouver Coastal Health

Health Link BC

Sneezes & Diseases

BC 211

Child Health BC

West Coast Family Centres

BC Centre for Ability

Aboriginal Supported Child Development Program

Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children 

Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre 

Child Development Research

The most critical time in child development and learning is from birth to five years of age. Read the latest on child Development, neuroscience, and behavioural research and learn how you can best support your child in their progress and maximize their future well-being.

Human Early Learning Partnership

Kid Care Canada

SEL Matters

Heart Mind Online

Brussoni Lab  


Childcare at VSOCC

Learn more about VSOCC childcare programs, locations, waitlist and enrollment.

Waitlist & Enrollment